Practice exercise

data = xlsread('C:\Users\PGDM test\Documents\MATLAB\matlab-131\Month_Comp_Data.xlsx');

plot = plot(data(:,1));% This will generate the stock price of stock asian paints
ret_cc = price2ret(data); %this will generate the price series to return series of all stocks
asian_paints = ret_cc(:,1); % This command will return the series column of asian paints
figure %This command is used to plot the next figure 
mean_ret = mean(ret_cc);
mean_ap = mean_ret(:,1);
median_ret = median(ret_cc);
median_ap = median_ret(:,1);
std_ret = std(ret_cc);
std_ap = std_ret(:,1);
skew_ret = skewness(ret_cc);
skew_ap = skew_ret(:,1);
kurt_ret = kurtosis(ret_cc);
kurt_ap = kurt_ret(:,1);

[h pval stat] = adftest(asian_paints);
[h1 pval1 stat1] = jbtest(asian_paints);

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