clear; clc;
a = [1,2,3,4,5];
% returns the median of matrix b. b 3
b = median(a);
c = [1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9];
% median of each column of matrix c. d [4,5,6]
d = median(c,1);
% median of each row of matrix c. e [2;5;8]
e = median(c,2);
% standrad deviation of matrix a. f 1.581138830084190
f = std(a);
% standrad deviation column wise. g 1.414213562373095
g = std(a,1);
% standrad deviation row wise. h 1.581138830084190
h = std(a,[],2);
% max element of matrix B. i 3
i = max(b);